[JugoInfo] Rassegna su Jugoslavia, Israele, Serbia, Cina

Rassegna 13/05/2024

[srpskohrvatski / english / italiano]
Jugoslavia e Israele

6) ПОРУКА СОЛИДАРНОСТИ СА НАРОДОМ ПАЛЕСТИНЕ / A LETTER OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE OF PALESTINE (Живадин Јовановић, председник Београдског форума за свет равноправних)

7) FLASHBACK: Kosovo e Israele, riconoscimento reciproco (7 febbraio 2021)

CROAZIA 2019: Israele si congratula (di nuovo) per la pulizia etnica antiserba
 “A ZAGABRIA, GIÀ NEL SETTEMBRE 1992 LA COMUNITÀ EBRAICA FESTEGGIAVA, con la partecipazione formale ed i fondi elargiti dal regime fascista di Tudjman, la riapertura del Centro Ebraico…” – si veda: Israele e Jugoslavia (di A. Martocchia) nella rassegna JUGOINFO “Sionismo e Fascismo” del 29 luglio 2014
=== 6 ===


Поводом Дана међународне солидарности са народом Палестине (29. новембар), Београдски форум за свет равноправних је, посредством партнерских организација у Палестини, упутио следећу поруку солидарности:

Драги пријатељи,

Поводом Дана међународне солидарности са народом Палестине, Београдски форум за свет равноправних изражава искрену солидарност са пријатељским народом Палестине и пружа снажну подршку његовој дугогодишњој праведној борби, за слободу и остваривање легитимних националних права, заснованих на универзалним принципима међународног права и релевантним резолуцијама Савета безбедности УН.

Дубоко саосећамо са Палестинским народом, који је суочен са  трагичним  хуманитарним последицама израелске бруталне војне акције у Појасу Газе.  Најоштрије осуђујемо насилно премештање Палестинског народа и бруталне нападе Израела у Појасу Газа, који су праћени немилосрдним разарањем палестинских градова и села, болница, школа и дечијих установа, што је довело до хиљаде невиних жртава, посебно деце и жена. Палестински народ Газе је, противно међународном праву, био изложен тоталној блокади, када око два милиона становника није имало храну, воду за пиће, стују, гориво, лекове и друге животне потребе.

Садашња војна акција у Појасу Газе довела је до најтеже хуманитарне трагедије у новијој историји. Она је директна последица седамдесет-петогодишње окупације од стране Израела, насилног протеривања стотине хиљада  становништва са њихових територија, стварања илегалних насеља на палестинској територији и настављања негирања  легитимних националних права Палестинског народа.  

Да би се уклонили корени нових сукоба, избегле нове људске трагедије, спречило ширење рата и створили услови за трајни мир на Блиском истоку, Београдски форум за свет равноправних позива  обе стране да тренутно примирје прогласе за трајно и да се обнове преговори под покровитељством Уједињених нација, на принципима постојања две независне државе и престанка сваке врсте окупације, у складу са релевантним резоуцијама Уједињених нација.

Захтевамо, такође, безусловно  ослобађање свих израелских затвореника од стране Хамаса, и палестинских политичких затвореника из израелских затвора. Позивамо међународну заједницу, посебно Уједињене нације, да народу Газе и целом народу Палестине, пруже сву неопходну хуманитарну и сваку другу помоћ у отклањању трагичних последица ратних сукоба и успостављања трајног мира на Блиском Истоку.

Пријатељски поздрав,
Живадин Јовановић
председник Београдског форума за свет равноправних

Dear friends,

On occasion of the Day of International Solidarity with the Palestinian People the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals expresses sincere solidarity with the friendly people of Palestine and strong support for their long-standing just struggle for freedom, and the realization of legitimate national rights, based on the universal principles of International Law, and relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council.

We deeply sympathize Palestinian people which is exposed to the tragic humanitarian consequences of Israel`s brutal military action in the Gaza Strip. We strongly condemn the forcible displacement of the Palestinian people and the brutal attacks by Israel in the Gaza Strip, which have been followed by the indiscriminate destruction of Palestinian population, hospitals, schools and children`s institutions, which led to thousands of innocent victims, particularly among children, women and disabled persons. Contrary to the international law, Palestinian people of Gaza has been exposed to a total blockade leaving two million civilian people without food, water, electricity, medicine, fuel and other necessities.

The current military attack on the Gaza has become one of the largest humanitarian tragedies of the recent history. It is direct consequence of the 75-year of occupation by Israel, of the violent expulsion of hundreds of thousands of the Palestinian people from their land, of establishment of illegal settlements on the Palestinian territory, and of the prolonged denial of their legitimate national rights.

In order to uproot the causes of the current conflict, avoid any further human tragedies, prevent spillover of the war and create conditions for lasting peace in the
Middle East, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals calls that the current cease fire be extended indefinitely, and negotiations under auspices of the UN be renewed on the principles of existence of the two independent states, and ending of any occupation, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations.

We also demand the unconditional release of all Israelis prisoners of Hamas, and Palestinians political prisoners from Israeli prisons.

We call on the international community, especially the United Nations, to urgently provide the people of Gaza and the entire Palestinian people with the necessary humanitarian and reconstruction aid, in urgent elimination of the tragic consequences of war conflicts, and for the establishment of lasting peace in the Middle East.

Friendly greetings,    
Zivadin Jovanovic 
President of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals

=== 7 ===
Kosovo e Israele, riconoscimento reciproco
La settimana scorsa Kosovo e Israele si sono riconosciuti a vicenda, in conseguenza degli accordi voluti dall’amministrazione Trump lo scorso settembre. Un passo salutato con entusiasmo dai due paesi, ma che altrove ha sollevato polemiche. Francesco Martino (OBCT) per il GR di Radio Capodistria [7 febbraio 2021]
A causa della pandemia di Covid-19, per la prima volta due paesi si sono ufficialmente riconosciuti con una cerimonia online. E’ successo lunedì scorso, quando Israele e Kosovo hanno stabilito rapporti diplomatici attraverso la piattaforma di video-conferenze “Zoom”.
La mossa è diretta conseguenza degli accordi di Washington tra Serbia e Kosovo voluti dall’ex presidente americano Donald Trump. Pristina ha anche deciso di riconoscere Gerusalemme come capitale di Israele, annunciando che aprirà a breve la propria ambasciata nella città contesa tra israeliani e palestinesi.
Il riconoscimento reciproco è stato salutato con entusiasmo sia in Kosovo che in Israele. La ministro degli Esteri kosovara, Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla, ha ringraziato gli Stati Uniti per il supporto ricevuto, mentre il suo omologo israeliano, Gabi Ashkenazi, ha definito l’apertura dei rapporti bilaterali “un passo importante e storico”.
Non tutti hanno però gradito. La Serbia, nonostante gli accordi di Washington, ha espresso la propria insoddisfazione verso Israele, con cui Belgrado ha tradizionalmente buoni rapporti. Belgrado, che si è impegnata a sua volta a spostare la propria ambasciata da Tel Aviv a Gerusalemme, non ha ancora chiarito se e quando intende procedere in tale direzione.
Il riconoscimento di Gerusalemme come capitale di Israele ha attirato a Pristina anche forti critiche da parte dell’UE, che insiste nel voler sciogliere il nodo di Gerusalemme solo dopo una soluzione condivisa del conflitto tra israeliani e palestinesi.


Il giorno 8 mag 2024, alle ore 13:37, Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia ha scritto:
Jugoslavia e Israele
[Si è tenuta a Belgrado l’11 novembre 2023 una iniziativa in ricordo di Yassir Arafat ed in solidarietà al popolo palestinese da 75 anni vittima di pulizia etnica]
5) 4.11.2023.: Palestina-Israele, Dačić: “Siamo sinceri, ISRAELE HA RICONOSCIUTO IL KOSOVO… LA PALESTINA NON HA RICONOSCIUTO IL KOSOVO, nonostante siano musulmani…”


[english / italiano]

1) Xi: la Cina “non dimenticherà mai” il bombardamento Nato della sua ambasciata a Belgrado (l’AntiDiplomatico)

2) Discorso del presidente serbo al presidente cinese Xi Jinping
3) Zivadin Jovanović hails ‘ironclad friendship’ with China (People’s Daily)

Con il segretario del Coordinamento nazionale per la Jugoslavia ricordiamo il bombardamento deliberato statunitense, analizziamo l’attuale situazione politica della Serbia e affrontiamo il ruolo che svolgerà il paese quale terminale europeo della Via della seta.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo1nplkSc60
Vedi anche i seguenti FLASHBACK:
– 2022: DIALOGO, DIPLOMAZIA E DISTENSIONE. Intervento di Z. Jovanovic alla Conferenza internazionale organizzata dal China Network per la Cooperazione Internazionale
– 2021: RAFFORZARE GLI SCAMBI E LA COOPERAZIONE TRA I POPOLI. PROMUOVERE LA SOLIDARIETÀ E LO SVILUPPO. Intervento di Zivadin Jovanovic al Forum internazionale di Pechino


=== 1 ===
7 Maggio 2024

Xi: la Cina “non dimenticherà mai” il bombardamento Nato della sua ambasciata a Belgrado

La Redazione de l’AntiDiplomatico

Il presidente cinese Xi Jinping ha dichiarato martedì che il suo Paese “non dimenticherà mai” il bombardamento della sua ambasciata a Belgrado durante l’aggressione della NATO contro l’ex Jugoslavia nel 1999.

In una lettera aperta, pubblicata dal quotidiano locale Politika durante la sua visita in Serbia nell’ambito del suo tour europeo, il leader cinese ha scritto: “Oggi ricorrono 25 anni da quando la NATO ha bombardato in modo flagrante l’ambasciata cinese in Jugoslavia, uccidendo tre giornalisti cinesi”.

“Non dobbiamo mai dimenticarlo. Il popolo cinese ha a cuore la pace, ma non permetteremo mai che una storia così tragica si ripeta”, ha aggiunto Xi.

Si riferiva agli eventi del 7 maggio 1999, quando i caccia statunitensi sganciarono cinque bombe sulla missione diplomatica cinese nella capitale serba, causando tre morti e più di 20 feriti.

=== 2 ===
Discorso del presidente serbo al presidente cinese Xi Jinping
Fonte: RT Balcani, 9.5.2024. – https://t.me/rtbalkan_ru/3504
La redazione di @rtbalkan_ru ha sottolineato i punti chiave del discorso del presidente serbo al presidente cinese Xi Jinping.

“Nel 2021-2023, la Cina è stata il maggiore investitore in Serbia, le esportazioni sono aumentate di 140 volte in dieci anni, il fatturato commerciale è aumentato di otto volte. La dichiarazione congiunta firmata sposta i due paesi da una relazione strategica a una comunità, a un futuro condiviso.”
“La Serbia resisterà risolutamente alle pressioni [occidentali]. Il Presidente della Repubblica popolare cinese è venuto e ha proposto cose concrete. L’Accordo di libero scambio garantisce il collocamento dei nostri beni e servizi. I tassi vanno dal 38% al 62%, ma per la Serbia non ce ne sarà alcuno. Sono stati firmati accordi sulla libera esportazione di prugne e mirtilli. Questo è solo l’inizio, sia andrà dalle mele al manzo. Ci vorranno cinque anni per il vino e dieci anni per il cognac perché le tariffe diventino pari a zero e verranno ridotte gradualmente. Oggi a pranzo servirò personalmente i vini serbi per dimostrare la loro qualità. Sapete cosa significa questo per il nostro Paese? Ciò significa salvezza”, ha detto il leader serbo.
“Pechino offrirà l’opportunità a 300 studenti e 50 ricercatori di recarsi in Cina. La Repubblica Popolare Cinese non solo prenderà parte allo sviluppo dell’intelligenza artificiale, ma aiuterà anche la Serbia con la sua esperienza e conoscenza a organizzarla nel miglior modo possibile”.
“Ho chiesto a Xi Jinping di considerare la possibilità di produrre treni in Serbia.
Stiamo già negoziando con la Cina per un taxi volante, che prevediamo di creare nel 2027. Vorrei ringraziare Pechino per il suo sostegno di 200 milioni di yuan. Vediamo opportunità per enormi progressi. Sogniamo di completare i lavori sulla ferrovia Belgrado-Budapest con partner cinesi”.
“Serbia e Cina hanno una cooperazione eccezionale nel campo della sicurezza e della difesa. Svilupperemo una cooperazione più ampia nel campo dell’energia. Presto avremo nuove compagnie aeree, voleremo direttamente da Belgrado a Shanghai, Guangzhou e ovviamente manterremo il volo per Pechino”.

=== 3 ===

Serbian expert hails ‘ironclad friendship’ with China

By Ren Yan, Sheng Chuyi (People’s Daily17:15, May 06, 2024
In a recent interview with People’s Daily, Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and Silk Road Connectivity Research Center, discussed the profound friendship between Serbia and China, shedding light on the achievements that have shaped bilateral relations over the years.
Belt and Road Initiative: Enhancing connectivity and economic growth
Mutual trust, understanding, and respect are the key pillars of Serbia-China relations, according to Jovanovic. “Serbia and Serbian people regard China and the Chinese people as a big, strong and prosperous global power whom they trust. Mutual trust is the synonym of ‘ironclad friendship,’” he said.
Serbia has been an integral part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) since its inception in 2013, playing a pivotal role in facilitating cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) under the BRI framework. Numerous major projects have been successfully implemented through this collaboration, resulting in the modernization of infrastructure across the region.
Jovanovic cited the high-speed railway between Belgrade and Budapest as a notable example. By reducing the travel time between the capitals of Serbia and Hungary from eight hours to less than three, this transformative initiative has significantly enhanced regional connectivity. Moreover, it has spurred economic growth and development, benefiting both countries and the broader region.
“Serbia’s cooperation under BRI has helped Serbia to become one of the countries with the fastest GDP growth in Europe, even at the time of recession. Serbia’s standing as an international partner has improved significantly,” he stated.
Reflecting on the high-quality development of the BRI, Jovanovic emphasized its role in promoting global prosperity. By cultivating inclusive and mutually beneficial cooperation, the BRI has become a catalyst for economic growth, trade, and connectivity among participating countries. The principles of equality, sovereignty, and non-interference have been fundamental to the BRI’s success, contributing to global stability and peace.
“Time and again, we realize that peace, security and development are indivisible. BRI and China-CEEC forums have provided opportunities to keep the global dialogue on track with development and other aspects of global stability, which are closely intertwined. The initiator of BRI, President Xi Jinping, made a strategic breakthrough in the normalization of Iran-Saudi Arabia relations,” said Jovanovic.
President Xi’s state visit: A milestone in bilateral relations
Jovanovic emphasized the critical impact of President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Serbia in 2016, which elevated bilateral relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership. The solid foundation established during this visit paved the way for future collaborations that yielded mutual benefits and shared prosperity.
“For example, our trade has grown 185 times; China has become the No. 1 foreign investor in Serbia and the No. 2 biggest trade partner of Serbia; three Chinese companies have become No. 1, 2 and 3 biggest exporters from Serbia (Zijin Mining, Zijin Copper and Hibis Group Serbia Iron and Steel); tourist visas have been reciprocally abolished, custom-free trade has been introduced; direct air flights established, and so on,” Jovanovic mentioned.
When discussing President Xi’s upcoming state visit to Serbia at the invitation of President Aleksandar Vučić, Jovanovic expressed confidence that it would provide the best opportunity to assess the extraordinary achievements in Serbia-China cooperation thus far and to initiate a new chapter of high-quality collaboration.
“It will be marked by environment-friendly economic cooperation, green energy, food and industry production as well as by new long-term strategic projects even more significant than those implemented, or underway of implementation, so far. Serbia and China should continue to be examples of a positive approach to the new challenges requiring openness and true partnership without any prejudices or constraints,” he said.
A promising future: Strengthening partnerships for shared prosperity
In discussing China’s strides in digitalization and innovation, Jovanovic praised China’s leadership in using technology to drive societal development. The country’s emphasis on education, research, and science has fueled its advancements in digitalization and artificial intelligence, establishing China as a global leader in innovation.
He also highlighted the need for countries to embrace China’s success in innovation and digitalization, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and cooperation in the face of technological advancements.
“It is striking to me that some of the most developed Western countries, renowned for almost religious belief in open markets and the liberal economic order, have adopted the way to spread fear of China and Chinese high technology products in order to protect themselves. Some have not only forbidden imports of Chinese 5G technologies, or smart mobile phones and other digital products, to their own markets, but are systematically pressuring other countries, including Serbia, to do the same,” he said.
Having visited China multiple times, Jovanovic has witnessed the country’s remarkable transformations. He observed the swift urban development in cities and the technological advancements in rural regions. These experiences have left a lasting impression on him, showcasing China’s extensive modernization efforts.
Jovanovic expressed his belief that as Serbia and China continue to strengthen their partnership, their shared values of mutual trust, cooperation, and innovation will undoubtedly lead to a more prosperous and interconnected future.
(Web editor: Hongyu, Wu Chengliang)

Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia ETS
C.P. 252 Bologna Centro, I-40124 (BO) – ITALIA
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